Nienie and her beloved Mr. Nielson, were injured when a private plane crashed on August 16th in St. Johns, AZ. Both suffered severe burns over their bodies. A third person on the plane, flight instructor Doug Kinneard, died the following day from his injuries.
Stephanie and Christian are parents to four young children, ages 2 to 7. Shortly after the accident, the children went to live with two of Stephanie's sisters in Utah. Who's blog I follow daily with hopes of hearing an update!
Stephanie has a huge following because of a blog she started, The NieNie Dialogues, to express her thoughts on motherhood, family life and her creative activities. When news of the crash was posted on her site, letters and e-mails began pouring in from all over the world.
I have followed this story since the day it happened, it is a story that will move you to tears make you laugh and restore your faith in more ways then you can count. I have kept up with the recovery of Nienie and her beloved Mr. Nielson, I have cried, laughed and became apart of this family.
Today is a long awaited day for us bloggers. The return of our NieNie! She kept it short and sweet, but spoke to all of us in a way way we needed her to. Just in true Nienie fashion!
If you are not a follower of NieNie I suggest you go take a
peek. I would start form the beginning. There is much to learn form Stephanie, her family and children.
Welcome back Nienie! We continue to look forward to being a part of your journey!