Madison and Trinity are the light of my life. They bring so much joy and laughter to this home. They both have great personalities and a very strong will. They grow so much each day and learn a lot from each other good and bad.
This last month they have decided that they would show the little monster side of there personalities a lot!! They always push the limits a little, climb on bathroom counters, get into lotion, baby wipes are there favorite thing to spread around the house.. Well they both topped the naughty list this month!
Last week Madison decided to climb on to the kitchen counter and get the scissors, she then hid in a corner and cut her hair, luckily just her bangs. It looks pretty funny. All this happened when I was in the shower and my 13 year old was in charge of watching them. I guess what ever she was doing at the time was more important then watching her two monster little sisters!
Here is a enjoy

As for Trinity she is a sneaky little booger. She gets out of her bed in the morning and quietly comes down stairs. Usually she just gets in the wipes, or juice, sometimes lotion in the bathroom. I am usually really good about making sure stuff is up and things that could hurt her are way out of reach. Well on this particular morning I was in bed and woke up to Madison saying(yelling) you in bug trouble Trin Trin!!! At that moment I realized I left my purse downstairs with all my MAC make-up in it. I ran down stairs hoping that she was getting into anything but that, well all hope was lost when Madison heard my footsteps and said Moommmmaaa Trin is in you make up........
Let's just say I was not a happy camper, I love my makeup it is my small obsession. I spend a lot of money on this stuff and I take very good care of it. I always bring my purse up stairs with me at night so this doesn't happen. So really I have no one to blame but my self.
Kids in general are little scavengers they will find everything in the house they are not allowed to get into.
Oh, those little stinkers! I'm sorry they ruined your good make-up. Hopefully it'll be the last time. I think every kid does something exactly like this at least once, and ONLY once if you're lucky!
HAHAHA!!! They are JUST like Alexis!!! I remember all the things she got into when she was that age.
Sorry about the make-up. :(
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