I have horrible news! I am sure you will all think it is silly, or maybe you will feel a little bad for me???
Both of my lenses for my camera got broken! Both of them!!!! No one will confess to braking them, or even knowing what happened... If I were them and knew me I don't think I would tell on my self either!
I am lucky that when I got the camera I was smart to buy a lifetime Warranty. If I wouldn't have I think I would have locked my self in the closet and balled! (for a few days)
I will get my camera back in a month, I was shocked it was going to take that long! So no pictures for awhile. But I am getting the actual camera cleaned, which I have been putting off for quit some time. So that will be one good thing that comes out of this!
I did have a cute pink Olympus that my lovely Daughter Alexis lost! Geez do I have bad luck with cameras or what!!!
I will try my best to blog, but it will be really hard with no pictures so I may be absent for the next month. I send my apologies now.
Oh and btw it happened the day before Christmas eve, so no pictures!!!!!!! Gurrr
Monday, December 29, 2008
So sad!
Posted by Cynthia at 9:54 AM 3 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Well it snowed and snowed and snowed...
and it hasn't stopped! There is a thick layer of ice on the snow now too. It is a winter wonder land out there! I love it so much! Nathan does too, we always hope for this kind of storm every year, but it never happens. We walked to the store today and it was a great time. There weren't too many people driving but a lot more then I thought would be. More people were walking then driving. The weather man is saying this is going to be sticking around for a few more days so we are crossing our fingers for a white Christmas.

Posted by Cynthia at 10:24 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Let it snow let it snow let it snow!!!
It has been snowing off and on, melting, snowing... melting and snowing some more for about three days. Today was the first day there was enough to really play in. So I bundled up the little ones and grabbed my camera and out we went. Alexis and Brandon didn't have school today so we were able to get in some good Family fun time! They all had a blast! The big kids and Nathan had a snow ball fight of course! Madison and Trinity had a great time. Madison started playing with the snow as soon as she walked outside and in about ten minutes was screaming crying that her hands hurt. So I took her back in and sat her in front of the heater. She sat there for a little bit until I found her gloves, then she was ready to go back outside. Trinity didn't have a problem with the snow at all, she was having a great time! But toward the end you could tell she was ready to go back inside.
The big kids sure kept us entertained. They had a really great snow ball fight with Nathan. It was really funny they were slipping and falling on their bums, getting plowed in the face and freezing but they were living it up!! I got some really great pictures; you can just tell they were having a good time.
We stayed outside for about an hour then called it quits. The snow started to melt at about 2 and was almost gone by 5, but then it all came back by 8:30 it has continued to show off and on and is just beautiful outside. I really am praying for a white Christmas!!! Keep your fingers crossed!
The kids went to a Christmas party at 5 and got back here just in time to go back outside and enjoy the snow some more. There were ac couple boys outside and Brandon asked if they wanted to have a snow ball fight. Well, no doubt they said yes and I am happy to say they made couple new friends that live right across the street. One boy is the same age as Brandon! How great that will be for him to have a new friend in the neighborhood! I am really happy for him=)
Here are some pics from today, Enjoy!
Posted by Cynthia at 1:04 AM 1 comments
Little Miss Maddy turns 3
I moved things along quickly, we did games, opened presents, had pizza, did the cake and then said our goodbyes. It was short compared to the parties we usually throw but she was happy and had a good time. When everyone left she laid down for her nap and slept for four hours!! She was only sick for a couple days and is feeling much better now.
I hope her next Birthday she will be feeling better then this one!
My little monster!
Posted by Cynthia at 12:21 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree

Daniel and Uncle D playing around.

Posted by Cynthia at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Kick off to Christmas
Here are some pics. Enjoy!

It was a beautiful day!

Brandon wanted to try too.
Posted by Cynthia at 9:11 PM 2 comments
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