Last week was eventful! I had four different Mothers day celebrations. First we celebrated with Cheryl on Tuesday. We all went to Chevy's for Dinner and then back to Nana's for a little bit. It was really nice to spend some time with Cheryl. We do not get to see her as often, as we use to. She was so happy to see Madison and Trinity! She just loves them.
Friday was nice, I during the day had my first official paying photo shoot, with Trisha's' kids. We went to Officers row. I got some great shots! I was really happy how they turned out. I think she was happy too. Later in the afternoon, I had another photo shoot with Sondra's baby boy. It was really nice out and we got some great shots in the park.
Friday night I went to my Brother's for a bit. We had a celebrate mother’s day party, but I was the only mom there so I think it was just an excuse to have a
Saturday was fun, we went to Dinner with Nathan's Parents at Red Lobster... sooooo yummy! Alexis, & Brandon both had crab, I am so glad they enjoy stuff like that. I would never at 12 years old touched crab. We had a nice time Celebrating Patti. I just love her so much. I wish we had more time together, since she got a new job and we moved across town I just don't see her as much as I would like. Jon and I had the Ultimate Feast..and it sure lived up to it's name. It was Lobster,crab, & two kinds of shrimp! It was soo yummy. I shared a lot with everyone. It was too much for just one person. Madison got Mac and Cheese with Tree's she liked the broccoli aka treees=)
Sunday I spent the day with my Mom and Brother. We went to lunch at T.G.I.Friday's Then went to Big Al's to hang out. I thought for sure it was going to be really busy, but it was nice and quiet. Not too many people were there. I was guessing because what mom wants to go to a loud bowling, arcade for Mothers Day.. not me. I went cuz that is where everyone wanted to go. I would have chosen a spa or something.. lol We hung out there for a couples hours, chatted and had a few laughs at Logan and Ryan. Daniel got him a whoopee cushion with the tickets they accumulated, it was so funny he kept blowing it up and then squeezing it at Logan. Logan was cracking up. It was so cute! I got this shot of Ryan when he wasn't paying attention. I stick a barrette in his hair, so so funny. He is going to kill me some day for this.
After that I came home and picked up the gang, we all went for Ice cream at DQ then came home and called it a night. Wow what a weekend! I think I am ready for a nice quiet weekend. I am sure that will not happen for awhile but oh well. It was worth it.
I hope you all remembered your Mothers this weekend. It is so important to take one day a year out and make her feel special. We dedicate our life to the people we love, it is nice to know that even when it is hard, or sometimes when you what to throw in the towel the people around us love us and appreciate us more then we think and it make it worth all the hard times. I think Mothers Day jump starts us in to gear for the next year. =) Love you all!
My Momma and Cheryl.
My Yummier pricklie pear Margarita.
My Mom and Alexis.
Jon and the Feast!

Alexis digging into the Crab!

Maddy and her Tree.

Gama Patti opening her gift and card.

My Beautiful Madison and the flower she picked for me=)

LOL Ryan with the cute bow in his hair.

My Family, Daniel, Momma and Sassy.