Today was a great day. I got my web site up and running. It still needs a lot of work but it will be looking great soon. I could not ask for more right now. Things are really falling into place.
I have a lot of people who want me to take pictures of there kids, family, personal, I even booked a wedding today. I told her that I need the practice and since it is my first one I will do it as a gift to her. Weddings make me a little nervous, but I will have learned a lot more by the time I shoot her wedding.
I have so much to be thankful for. I have always wanted to do this. I never before thought that my love for photos would go beyond my kids, family, and friends. I love to scrapbook too, it may be one of the biggest reasons I wanted to get in to this. I have in the last six months spent around $700 on Professional photographers so that I have the all the best photos for my kids scrapbooks! Well let me just tell you, there will never be any more of that! I realized I can take just as good of photos if not better! I just want to thank everyone for your continued support. I love all the complements you have given. This has for sure been a great confidence booster! I just hope to live up to everyone expectations=)
Here is a link to my Web site it is still undergoing final touches. It will be in tip top shape soon. I will let you know when it is all done.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
New Adventure
Posted by Cynthia at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Great Weekend Fun!
This weekend was soooo much fun! Friday night we went out to dinner at Joe's Crab shack with my Dad and Tammy. We had the Crab Daddy feast! It was really good. Saturday morning we went and said hi to Grandma and Grandpa Heuton. While the girls were napping I went and got an Iphone! It is really cool I am so excited!< After lunch, and the girls naps we drove all over Portland to a few car lots looking for a new Suburban for Nathan. He is wanting a 1991-99 style, it has to be lifted and have good tires. Well the couple we saw online were gone when we got to the lot. So we just drove around hoping to spot one... well we didn't, and after about four hours in the car it was time to head home. The girls went to bed and what was supost to be our date night turned into helping my dad fix Tammy's car. It was fine no big deal! We just planed on having a date afternoon on Sunday=) And we did. We went to Ramono's Macaroni Grill. It was really yuumie! I had Chicken Scalopine. Nathan had the Lasagna. I brought my camera along encase any good opportunities presented them self. Well we decided to go to the Rose Garden after lunch to take some pictures. I was amazed at the quality of pictures my camera can take, and that I am learning to understand my camera more and use it better. I will be posting some shots in this post. Then after lunch with my sweetie and a nice walk at the Rose Garden we headed back home. Daniel invited us over for a BBQ so we picked up Madison and, went over there for a few hours. It was lots of fun! Ryan was there and a few other kids so Madison had a blast. She was really good too. I had so much fun taking pictures! I am not sure if everyone was getting sick of me or not but I didn't care, and I am sure they won't either when they see the great shots I got! I hope you enjoy them as well. Please leave me some feed back. I am just getting started doing this and having so much fun too. I would love to hear your advice or tips=) Hope everyone had a good weekend=)
Posted by Cynthia at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Photoshope CS3
Today I got to mess around with PhotoShop, and my new Camera. I have to say never before did I think I could have this much fun taking pictures and editing them. I was blog stalking the different Photography blogs and different links from other peoples blog. I found this
As I was reading, I was editing some pictures I had taken, and taking pictures to edit.

Used Lightroom to edit this one. She looks about five years older now.

Posted by Cynthia at 11:14 PM 1 comments
I am up tooooo late
It is 12:24 right now. I am never ever up this late. I just have a lot on my mind and so here I sit on the Laptop with so much to say and my mind is racing but then when it comes to typing it all out I can never seem to get it all out.
Well here it goes... I have been thinking a lot about Family. I have gone through a lot of stuff with my Dad all my life. I am Happy to say he is slowly getting better. He completed a 28 day program in March. He has been going to meeting, it seems he is doing really good, I just can't help having this looming doubt in the back of my mind that he will relapse. I have been threw this so many times it is sad that I am just waiting for him to not call, not come home, not check in for days.... It really sucks.
This time it feels different, but I have said that before too. I just have to trust in the Lord that he will take care of him. He will provide my Dad with the strength he needs to get threw each day. I know it is a day to day struggle for him. I promised him I would never give up on him. I promised I would love him threw it all. I did tell him that if he ever did relapse our relationship would change. I would no longer accept his phone calls. He would not have a relationship with his four Grandchildren, I would never let him stay with me again. I would never drive him anywhere. Pretty much that I would cut him out of my life. It would kill me, but I have done this for too long and had my Heart Broken to many times. As I sit here right now kinda a little worried cuz he said he would be home at midnight, I have faith he is telling the truth. Then I hear the door open and all the weight of the world is lifted off my shoulders. He wanted to hang out with this lady he met in rehab and I told him he had till midnight. Geez do I feel like his mom! Good practice for me since Alexis is going to be dating in about five years. Lol ok I am done. I can go to bed and rest easy! Thank you God for really listening to me and helping me threw this. I do not know what I would do with out the strength you give me.
Posted by Cynthia at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Awesome site
This is a great Photography site
She take amazing photos. It really inspires me to learn about photography and photoshop.
Posted by Cynthia at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Update on Camera
I got my Camera! I also got an extra lens and a bag and a Printer! I am signed up for classes starting in May. I took a couple pictures with it yesterday. They are good, but then I watched the video last night and will be taking more today, now that I know how to use the features better.
Here are a couple pics of the camera and a couple I took with it=)
The entire set up.
Trinity is just like here momma.. loves the phone.
Maddy showing me how old she is.. she is a couple years
My Beautiful Baby.
All my Girls.
Posted by Cynthia at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sooo Excited!
I am about to go pick up my new Camera!!! I picked it out last night! It is a Nikon D40 DSLR Camera w/18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED II AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor lens & an extra lens and a bag!
I will post a picture of it later. I was going to take some photography classes, at Clark College but Ritz provides classes for free if you buy a camera there. So I am going to start classes in May. I am also going to take a photo shop class too! I have always wanted to do photography and now it is right in front of me. How truly blessed I am! I for sure will be posting way more pictures now! I do not think you have any idea how EXCITED I AM RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Posted by Cynthia at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Some oldies Of Peru
I think this is called Valley of the sun????
Nathan carrying Maddy on his back in Machu Picchu.
This is one of the open air markets there! They have so many yummy fruits!
This is an awesome Painting in Tracie's house. i love it!
Tracie getting attacked by bugs! We all were getting attacked.
Plaza De Armas. Cuzco, Peru.
Nasty fish head soup!
Machu Picchu
I was looking threw some old pictures of us in Peru, and realized I never posted any pictures because I started this awhile after we went there. So here are some of our pics from our Travels to Cuszo, Peru and Machu Picchu.
We went to Peru in August 2006. Madison was 8 months old. We took along with us Jon and Gabe Nathan's younger brothers. The reason for the trip was to visit Tracie Nathan's sister and her Husband Ricky. They had never met Madison and so we thought this would be the perfect opportunity for all of us to get together as a family.
Tracie and Ricky have been doing the Lords work in Peru since January of 2006. They have accomplished so much there in just the two short years. Check out there blog they update it often with the details of there journey.
Here is a picture of the beautiful city. Nathan and Jon eating from a street vendor!
Nathan, Tracie, Jon, and Gabe.Tia Tracie, and Madison. They look a lot alike!
Here is Jon and his future wife=)
Posted by Cynthia at 12:17 PM 2 comments
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