Today two years ago I gave birth to my tiny beautiful Trinity Elizabeth. She weighed 5lbs. 15oz. was 18inches. She came three weeks early, I was really glad because I was on bed rest for three months!
Trinity by far is the loudest of my four children, she has a voice like no She is sweet yet demanding she loves bananas, chips, toast and her favorite word is no no Maddy. She has been such a joy for me and at times the most difficult child ever. I am blessed to have had this little love bug, I lost a baby two weeks before I conceived her. I didn't even know I was pregnant till I was about 5 months along! I thank God for her and my family everyday. I love that I got to have two little girls with Nathan. I once wanted this life so badly and never thought it would be mine. I can not believe how the Lord answers prays he is such a good loving Lord, one who I can never be thankful enough, he is the reason I have this life and my life is better then I could have ever imagined. He has given me a beautiful family a hard working husband and I will never feel worthy.
Trinity I thank you for being apart of my life, my journey and forever being my daughter. I promise to be the best Mother I can be, I will try to give you the best tools to become a wonderful woman, mother ,wife and friend the rest I will leave up to the Lord. He lives in you and I hope he will forever have a place in your heart, for you are a reason he is in mine.
I love you baby girl Happy Birthday. 

Oh, that was so sweet what you wrote, Cynthia, and the pictures, too.
And a very happy birthday to our little Trinity!!
CUUUUTE!!!!!! happy birthday trinners! i can't believe she is already 2!!!! they grow TOO fast dont they? love you guys~
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