This has been the worst cold/flu season I have ever experienced, I have been sick five times! This one by far is the worst. I am stuffed up and have a runny nose all at the same time, my lugs hurt and my cough is deep and nasty junk keeps escaping! I have said why me more times in the last 12 hours then ever before.
I am grateful Madison and Trinity are feeling better they are on there seventh day of antibiotics, only three more to go. I am really hoping this is the last time we will be sick this season. I think we have had our fair share these nasty germs can find something else to affect! On a better note, we celebrated Nathan's 31st birthday this weekend. We went shooting(his favorite thing to do) had a BBQ Saturday evening with friends and then on Sunday celebrated with his family by going to Chang's Mongolian Grill. It is a tradition to celebrate birthdays there. We all love it! Nathans mom made him a yummy yellow cake with homemade chocolate frosting. It was soooo good! Nathan was disappointed that Madison woke up the next morning and ate the rest of the cake! She was a chocolate mess!
I have to say he might be 31 but he still looks 25. =) It has been almost 9 years since I met this great guy, he swept me off my feet the moment I met him. I look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with him. Happy Birthday Babe I love love love you!!! Muah!
Nathans mom made this, it was delicious!
I made green velvet cupcakes insted of red velvet, Nathans request=)
Madison wanted to help daddy blow out the candles.

Nathans mom made this, it was delicious!

I made green velvet cupcakes insted of red velvet, Nathans request=)

Madison wanted to help daddy blow out the candles.

Sorry you are so sick. I think I may have picked up a germ from the kisses the girls shared with me. I have a cold now. Oh well, that's life. I'd rather have their kisses with the occasional cold than to not have their kisses and lovin'. It was fun getting together with you and Nathan for his birthday.Do I need to bake another (bigger) cake? It was nice of Nathan to share his with Maddy. :)
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