We watched TinkerBell (10 times) I love it! It is so cute. Go buy it and watch it with your little tinks! They will love it I promise!!!
I love having two small girls! It brings out that little girl in me. I can live threw them, to imagine what they might be thinking when they watch Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella just excites me. I can remember being little and loving all the Disney movies and even remakes of Cinderella. There was one that comes to mind every time I think of Cinderella. My Mom video taped it off tv. It was not animated, so I loved it even more.
It made me think that Cinderella was a real girl. The costumes and all the glitter! I so much wish I could find that movie. I would love to watch it. On the other hand movies I really loved as a child I have watched as an adult and remember it so differently. I am not sure why but it might be that I know the reality is their are no Cinderellas and Tinker bells.
I get to see the wonder and excitement every time Madison and Trinity watch one of there Princess movies.
We have been waiting a long time for the Tinker bell movie to be released and today is the the day!!! I just reminded Madison and she was smiles from ear to ear. She said YES! Lets go get our Tinker bell. =)
They both like Tinker bell, there room is all tinker bell and fairies,tons of there clothes, silverware, plates you name it we have Tinker bell on it..lol Madison was Tink for Halloween last year and Trinity is Tink this year hehe

Thanks for the reminder! I'm definitely gonna go buy it today!
Aaahhh, both your little Tinkerbells are SO CUTE! Hasn't Trinity grown up a lot in one year. Such beautiful girls. I'm glad you are enjoying them and all their girly ways. Is the Cinderella movie you're talking about the one with Leslie Ann Warren as Cinderella. I loved that one! Thanks for sharing all the photos, and the ones from the fashion show. I really enjoy looking at all of them!
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