We want to send our congratulations to Tracie Ricky and Isabella! Friday January 29th at 9:09pm Chilean time, Baby Milan Alessandro was born! Weighing 6lbs 15 oz., 19.5 inches. He has a full head of blond hair and looks so much like his big sister!!
We are so happy to have the new addition to our growing family. Just four short years ago there were no married couples and no babies in the Heuton clan. Now there are two married couples and five babies!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
A new addition
Posted by Cynthia at 11:00 AM 1 comments
Friday, January 29, 2010
Late night with my fat man

Posted by Cynthia at 12:40 AM 0 comments
Summer treat in January
Posted by Cynthia at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Cusco Update
Tracie just posted the following on her Blog! Keep praying for Cusco!!!
Here is a brief Video to show the devasation in Cusco!
Current situation: 1,400 tourists still stranded in Machu Picchu/Aguas Calientes
11 helicopters taking people from MP to Ollantaytambo, only 4 helicopters can run simultaniously due to geography.
Word is that people are paying up to $500 to be airlifted out first. Authorities deny this (we are not surprised)
The Ollant. stadium is now flooded, looking for new place for helicopters to land.
More than 600 tourists and 300 porters/guides are somewhere on the Inca Trail. Authorities are trying to locate them. The Inca Trail is a very difficult hike of 3/4 days, with difficult conditions and gets into altitudes of nearly 15,000 feet.
11 reported deaths at this time
Machu Picchu electric central has stopped working because two power lines have fallen down
10,000 affected residents and more than 2,000 collapsed houses
Posted by Cynthia at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
Week 4 - “Texture” Photo Challenge!
Texture is really new for me! So he is my first texture photo. I like it a lot and I think that this might be my new favorite thing!!
Madison is my middle child and my first blue eyed baby. I love her smile and a smile like this can be captured in the living room on a Monday morning.

Posted by Cynthia at 9:18 PM 1 comments
Pray for Cusco, Peru!!
Nathan and I made a trip back in 2006 with our then 8 month old Madison. The towns they talk about we have been to and experienced, these small towns are already poverty stricken and have little resources. The train on the way to Mach Pichu is lined with tiny shacks with dirt floors no glass on the windows and people live in them. I just cannot imagine the devastation that has occurred! My heart hurts for them and my Prayers will be strong for them! Please pray as well!

Posted by Cynthia at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Big Update
Late nights were mine to blog edit pictures and relax. Since Jacob arrived this is not the case. Mostly my nights consist of a cranky baby, poo and throw up till about 2am and I would not have it any other way. The blog can wait but my baby will not be a baby for long. Patti told me recently there is a poem that says something like that. It is so true! Sometimes I feel I am neglecting my photography my blog and my hair color! Then I just think better that then my precious fat man. He is plump and sweet and cozy and everything I ever wanted my boy to be. I fall in love with him more every day. It is hard to remember what it was like before he was here. I am happy to say that nursing him has gone more than great! Usually for me it only lasts a few weeks and that is with many formula supplements in between. This time around it is like my breasts caught on, it only took five times! It has been a great experience and I am so proud of how chubby my baby boy’s cheeks are! He will be eight weeks this Wednesday. They grow to fast!
December was filled with lots of fun activities, first was getting a tree we went to Thortons tree farm, our little family tradition. We visited the animals first the girls just love them it is really their favorite part. As we were hangin with the animals I spotted a tree it was perfect! I thought no way could the first tree I see really be it! Hahaha it wasn't there was no tag on it so it was off limits! I was happy to find another tree only a few over that was just as perfect! It had a tag and that was it the fastest tee hunt ever! We got some hot chocolate and goodies and headed home to decorate. It was up in record time and I enjoyed it more this time then ever!

New Years eve we hung out at home with my Mom Ryry Billy and the girls. We watched a movie and made margaritas. At ten to midnight we let the girls get up(they were not asleep due to fireworks). I got a pot and some wooden spoons and at 12 let them bang away they were amazed! Trinity said we get up it a holiday??? When we said yes she just got all big eyed and laughed. It was a lot of fun! Maddy was banging so hard on the pans she broke my wooden spoon!!! Good times!

We went to Papas Pizza on the 2nd to spend some time with Nathan brother Jon. He was being shipped out that next Tuesday for boot camp. We had some pizza and Family time with him it was nice. We also went over there the next day for a big steak dinner. It was the time we will see him for a long time. After boot camp he goes to Spokane WA for his training once he is done with that we are hoping he can make a trip home. It has only been two weeks but I miss him so much already. He was 10 when I met Nathan and can honestly say I feel like he is my brother. Him and I have always had a special relationship and got along so well. He is such a love. He has such a great personality and a huge heart. That night as we were leaving him with some encouraging words, I finally broke down and balled my eyes out. I know he will be on an adventure and will have so many opportunities joining the Military but is sad he will not be around here. We will not see him as much and I guess I feel we will miss out on a lot of his life due to him joining. But he is at the age he needs to spread his wings and take this journey we call life on his own for a bit. I think he is leaving as a kid and will come back a man that I am looking forward to seeing. My advice to him that night was to stay true to himself and never let anything change that big heart he has. Knowing him that will never ever happen!

So that brings us to this weekend. Whew we made it! This was a long one!
Friday night was the first time I have got to go have a drink with the ladies since getting pregnant almost a year ago!! It was really fun and I am happy to say I was home by 9:30=)
Yesterday I took the girls to a birthday party then Nathan and I cleaned out the garage and took a bunch of stuff to goodwill. (Trying to stick to some goals not resolutions we made).
Today we had a nice lunch with Nathans parents and I got to chat with Patti. I love our Sunday time with his family!!
I actually finished this before Desperate housewives came on.. wahoo!! I will try to update more often I know these long updates can get boring and have way too many pictures!!!!
Love you all xoxox
Posted by Cynthia at 7:51 PM 2 comments
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