We strolled the Rose Garden with Tracie and Ricky this evening after feasting on some Papa Haydn dessert! It was a great night!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Rose Garden Portland OR
Posted by Cynthia at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
A day at Saturday Market
The Saturday Market in Portland, Or is a mixture of the high class, the hippies the regulars and the freaks of the Pacific North West. You never know what your going to get when you venture threw the small aisles of the eclectic booths. You see everything form soap to jewelry to fuax Jimmy Hendricks willing to take a picture for some change... It has a little bit of everything great about Portland. For these reasons we had to take Ricky to show him around and give him a taste of what Ptown is all about. We brought Alexis and Brandon as well, there first time at Saturday Market. It was a fun day. They saw a lot asked a lot of questions and ate some good food. Isa was so good and I think she loved the loud sounds of music, people and the max. We sat under the trees on the waterfront and enjoyed our surroundings while feasting on some of the Markets finest food. I got a chicken skewer with rice, noodles and and egg roll. It was delish! Ricky and Tracie got a plate of Mexican delight. Rice, beans and a burrito. The kids had to get a Big Elephant ear( You can't avoid the Elephant ear stand with two kids around, they are drawn from miles away) and some fresh squeezed Lemonade. We all shared with Isa, she was enjoying the variety. After our bellies were full and we had a nice break we took a walk to the famous fountain on the Waterfront. This thing is awesome and especially so on a hot summer day. People come to let the kids play and cool off. The only bad thing is it wreaks of chlorine. Other then that it is a beautiful sight. It changes its form every few minutes and so you never know what is coming next. It is really fun. Alexis went in fully clothed! Pants and all! She talked Brandon into getting his feet wet but when he was close enough pulled him in! They had a blast. We decided after the fountain it was time to head home. We had our fill and thought the pool sounded nice. So we went to Grandma and Grandpas for a swim. Once the kids were cooled off we took them home and then went for some Sushi. Tracie has been craving it and I am always up for Sushi so we went to a little place here in town by the mall. We curbed our craving for the moment had some nice conversation and called it a day. I can't tell you how nice it is to have Tracie around. I love our talks and the time we have had to bond. We talk a lot on Skype when she is in Peru but there is nothing like having her here. I am so glad that we are getting this time together. I just love having a sister!
Today Nathans grandparents are coming for a visit. We are going to have dinner with them.I am making a yummy dessert from Pioneer Woman!
I am sure I will have more pictures to share later. =)
Posted by Cynthia at 12:23 PM 3 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Feeling Great...
This week has been so much fun and it isn't over yet! Tracie Ricky and Isa finally arrived on Tuesday! It has been to much fun spending time with them. The girls just love each other. Trinity is really great with Isa she holds her hand and shows her things, she tends to pull on her a little hard at times but not to bad. Trinity doesn't understand how Isa can walk but can't do things crazy like her. It prolly makes the wheels turn in her head!
We are excited for the next few weeks and all the stuff we hope to do like the zoo, Seattle, beach, camping. I am looking forward to buliding the memories!! I will be updating as much as possible!
For now here are some pictures so far.

Posted by Cynthia at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
July 4th weekend
This weekend was so much fun. As far as I know every one had a really nice time. Madison and Trinity were a handful but they had a blast. We had to keep them busy so they wouldn't get into everything. It is hard when it is not just your stuff that is around you really have to be on them to make sure they are not breaking things or getting into stuff. I was surprised at how well they did. It was nice to not only have me and Nathan to watch over them but Patti and Tennis were great with them of course.
We arrived on Thursday around 6 set up went pretty fast and the spot we got at the Campground was perfect! We got s corner spot right were there was a view of the bay. It was so nice. The first night we had chili dogs, the kids really liked that! After we ate dinner the guys collected wood and we gathered around the community fire pit for some s'mores! It was nice, they were yummy and we were the only people at the pit. The girls had gotten dirty at the play ground so Patti and I took the girls to the shower room and gave them a quick shower. It was the cutest thing I ever saw! They loved it. We even sneaked Nathan in to see how adorable they were..lol The girls feel asleep really easy and everyone slept great except for me I was freezing!!! (we solved that issue the next night with about five blankets)
Friday morning we woke up to bacon and blueberry muffins! Yum! Maddy woke up first so she went in the camper to help Grandma with breakfast. She had fun and did a great job=) After clean up a some hanging around, Jon showed up and the kids went to the Arcade. Jon came down just for the day Friday due to work and some other plans he had. I am so glad he got to make it for the short time. I just love him bunches and he is so much fun to have around. The kids were excited to go hang with there older uncles away from all of us. We went and said hi to the rest of the family that was in town at Nathans grandparents. We had a nice visit and ate some lunch. Nathans uncle Jay and his family came down from Northern Washington for the reunion. They have an 18 month old daughter Hannah, Trinity just loved her! They all got along really well. I wish I would have gotten some pictures of the three of them but I was so tired from not getting any sleep the night before I didn't take any pictures at all. I even took a little cat nap in the chair..lol We got to spend some good time getting to know Matt's girlfriend Melissa. She is really sweet and fit right in! We welcomed her into the family with open arms! She is great! Matt better not screw this up(not that I think he will!)
We headed down to the beach after our visit. This was the first time Trinity has even see the ocean. We went once when she was a baby but this was the first time she got to run in the water and and "play" It was a lot of fun to watch. Maddy played in the sand for a long time but then she decided it was time for the water. The older kids got right in the water and had a blast. They even had a little game of kick ball with Jon, Gabe and Grandpa. Grandma hung out on the beach. I think she may have got a little nap in. I just took pictures. Sometimes I need to hand the camera off so I can get in the pictures too but that day I didn't look so hot so I wasn't to worried=)
Friday night we ate some food, played at the park, visited with Nathans family that stopped by the camp, took showers, played a couple board games and hit the sack. I am happy to say that I slept like a baby! I was warm and comfy! Saturday morning we had to wake up a little early so we could have breakfast get ready and pack up camp all by 10am. There was a parade and we wanted to make it. We were only a little late and lucky for us Great Grandma had some seats saved for the kids. They had a great time. They caught some candy and at the end Alexis and B got hosed down by the fire truck. Lucky for us they warn you before they soak you..lol So we boogied!
The reunion went well we got to visit for awhile and we had a chance to see family that has moved to the East coast. Before we left to head back home we got pictures of all the family together and each individual family. We said our goodbyes and headed back to Vancouver. We were home by six, we got some fire works and Pizza and friends started to show up and the fun began! Fireworks food family and friends! It was great fun. The little kids stayed up till 12:30! They had a blast!!!
We took Sunday to relax and recuperate. I took a four hour nap in the middle of the day! I think I was a little worn out! So it was a great weekend! I am glad we had the chance to get together with everyone and build some good memories with Nathans parents and our kids.
We hope you all had a great fourth!
Posted by Cynthia at 9:52 PM 2 comments
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