We made a point to make it up to the mountain before the snow hit. We usually make a trip once a month, but we got a couple trips in the last two weekends! Three to be exact! It is so beautiful up there, the sound of fresh water running, the quiet! Oh the quiet is so nice!
I just love the time we have together when we go for these drives. Madison and Trinity just love it so much! Nathan has taken the girls up there a couple times alone and let them get all dirty and play in the earth, and walk around in the woods, Madison has even shot his .22! (She came back that day saying mommy I shot the shotgun shotgun shotgun!! lol)
Nathan has said that he can do everything with his girls he could do with a son, i think it is so true. I am going to have a couple of pretty cool girls! They will be girly girl like me and a have a rough side thanks to there dad, how cool!
When we went up to the Mountain on Sunday the fog was thick in town, when we got up to a higher elevation it looked like there was no city and we were on top of clouds! It was so beautiful. I got a few pictures I will share at the of the post.
We had a great time. I love being able to go to the Ocean one weekend and the Mountains the next. Washington is a beautiful State.
I will miss this place when we venture off to Iowa, but am excited to see what new beauty we will find there.
She loved her stick!

Getting dirty, but still looking cute
What fun! Love you guys!
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