Hello all! I have been absent for a little while, I have no good reason for it other then I just wanted a break=) Tomorrow I will post all the excitement from last weekend that includs some broken bones stay tuned!
I have a cute little baby girl to show off so I thought it was a perfect oprotunity to blog. I took some pictures of this little miracle last Saturday.
I always get a little nevrous taking infant pictures cuz it can go two ways real good or real bad. It went really good! She was perfect. We got some asleep and some awake! I just love this little bundle as if she was my own.
Heidi her momma has gone threw alot to have her. She is truly Heidis angel. Heidi lost a baby two years ago due to some complications with the babys heart. Joshua was born at 23 weeks premature. He got to meet his mommy and daddy and then quietly left to be with our Heavenly father. Heidi felt such a tremdous loss, she strugled with her pain for a long time and made the decision to have another woman carry her child if she ever decided to try agtain. Well God had another plan for her. Just when Heidi had come to terms with her loss and that she might never bear a child of her own she found out she was pregnant! I am sure for her it was a million emotions good and bad all at once. She had a lot of complications with her first pregnancy aside from loosing Joshua so she was nevrous that she would suffer the same medical problems again. For the most part things went good, she had a couple hospital visits and a little case of water retention but other then that it went pretty good. I was lucky enough to give you all a step by step update on this blog of her Labor. I got to be there and be a support friend, and it was amazing. So here she is happy and healthy and three weeks old. God is good a
nd we are truly blessed to have a savior who gives us these little angels.

What a little DOLL! And a very good job, photographer, very professional-looking! Thanks for sharing some of what Heidi has gone through. It makes little Emily even more precious. Patti
Beautiful pictures!
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