It has only been a month since I last wrote!! I am doing better. I have lots to share. We have had some fun times this past month lots of stuff going on in our lives. First was Halloween!
We went to the Harvest Festival at church on Friday then on Halloween we just went around the neighborhood. It was a little cold out but not to bad. We had a lot of fun! I had so much fun dressing the girls up this year. Trinity was Mini Mouse, Maddy was Tinkerbell, Alexis was a cheerless cheerleader(lol) and Brandon was a skull guy. They got so much candy! The week before Halloween Dawn and I took the kids to get there pictures taken together.. these are some of the best pictures ever! I am so glad we did it!

Next are some cute pics me and Alexis took of her room after we decorated it. She is obsessed with pokadots right now so we did her entire room in pokadots. It was a lot of fun. He hair looks really cute here I put them in rollers.. funny stuff!

On to the next part of the story... I went out with my Friend Kelli for her Birthday she was turning 25 so we had tons of people meet up at the Back Ailey so we could sing some Karaoke and have some fun!! we had a blast lots of people showed up and I think she had a great time. Fun times.
This last weekend Alexis had her 12th Birthday party. We did an old

We did karaoke and Twister and had a lot of food and snacks. It was great fun. She got lots of cute stuff. She even got a T.V. and DVD player. They are spoiled.
So I have to share a couple cute pictures of
Now here comes the most exciting news... Tracie and Ricky are Here!!!! They arrived yesterday at 5:15pm. It was so great to finally see them. We had a little birthday party for her and had dinner. I am so happy to be able to spend some time with her and get to know her better. I do not have any sisters so it will be great to be able to have the feeling like I do at least for the few months they are here. She looks so cute too, her tummy is getting bigger and she has "the glow" I have not downloaded the pictures from last night I will post them soon. Hope you all have had a great month! More to come soon.. choa
YAY...thanks for the update! The kids are just adorable.
Happy Birthday Miss Alexis!!! It seems like yesterday you were jumping up and down in Aaron's crib.
How cute all the pics! I'm glad you finally updated!
And we are happy to be here too! finally!!!
i would love to come. tracie said she was going to send me an invitation, but i guess it never got here. when/where is it?
oh, I am seriously disappointed! I won't be able to make it to the baby shower because of a previous commitment. I am sorry for the late notice. Thank you though for following up and inviting me!
Cute pics! Just a note to say I enjoy reading your blog! Here's a little quote I found amusing... "There never was a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him asleep.
Ralph Waldo Emerson"
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