I had given up! I felt I didn't have much to say that is entertaining enough for people to keep coming back or to read about me and family. Well then people kept asking me to post more on my blog they missed seeing what we were up to etc. I felt like oh wow some people do like me...lol
I think most just like seeing my babies and there cute little faces. I had a rough couple months due to some personal issues that also kept me away. I have dealt wit things and am ready to move on.
So I am making an attempt to get back to blog thing. I don't ever have that much time to sit and blab about my life. I would rather do nothing or sleep.
My days lately have been filled with trying to find a new home. We are buying our first house or shall I say trying. It has not been as fun as I hoped. Our economy is so horrible right now most homes are short sales or bank owned. It takes forever to get a response! We have two offers out right now. One was the perfect house bank owned and only had a 7 day return on an answer. Well a couple days before we got our offer in someone beat us to it! So we are a back up offer for now. It looks as though it will go through so we have pretty much written that one off. The second house id a short sale and has two lenders... not an ideal situation. The home is worth a lot more then it is listed for. Good for the buyer horrible for the seller. So not only are the homes for sale in a sticky situation we are confined to a small area of town due to Alexis not wanting to change High Schools since she just started and also being close to my son who is in the same school district but lives with his dad. Let’s just say this is not a fun process. I am anxious to get out of this house and into something new and different and a place we can call our own. So I will be patient and leave it up to the Lord. I have faith in him and this process. I know he has something just right for our family so I will wait till he has it ready for us.
This summer we did a lot of fun activities. Where I left off last was our Anniversary.
August was the month of our big family vacation to Disneyland. Madison and Trinity had been waiting for this day for months! Every night before bed they wanted to know all about it and what we were going to do and all the princesses we were going to see. Nathan loved telling them all about it. So the day arrived and everything went really smooth. All of the kids did great on the flight. It was a first for Jacob and Trinity. Madison flew to Peru with us when she was a baby but I think this will be her first memory of it. Our family Nathans parents and brother all went. Planning a vacation for that many people and with so much stuff I figured things were bound to go bad at some point but it all went smooth. The first day we arrived we just went to Downtown Disney had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe and walked around to all the shops went to the Lego store and played went to a huge candy store and got some goodies..Yum!

The next day was the big day! The girls were bursting with excitement! They could barely stand the wait! Right when we got in to Disneyland we saw Minnie. This was more than perfect the girls had dressed up like her red bows polka dots and all. It was so cute! We had a full day went on tons of rides. Patti and Tennis helped with Jacob while we took the girls on rides. Gabe and Brandon went off to ride the thrill rides while we did little kid stuff. It worked out well. The girls got to meet Tinkerbelle, Sleeping beauty, and Mini Mouse the first day. We stayed late and watched the firework show that night. It was really cool. I can't believe they do a show every night!

Saturday was princess day. Our goal was to meet as many princesses as we could after getting a princess make over. The girls got the full treatment at the bibbidi bobbidi boutique. They got their hair done make up glitter and a crown. They loved every minute of it! We met a lot of princess that day Madison met Bell her favorite and was in awe! She told her she loved her so so much and she was her favorite. Trinity just gave them hugs and stared at them. It was such an amazing feeling to watch the wonder in their eyes to them be so excited and happy. I am very blessed to be able to experience these things with them.

Sunday we went to California Adventure. We saw a Bugs life show in 3D that was so awesome!! I loved it as much as the girls!! We rode tons of rides and had a great time! They guys rode the big roller coaster like 6 times! The lines went really fast so they just kept going! We got these huge turkey legs for dinner. It was great watching them eat!! Super funny. That night we went to the new World of color show. It was really beautiful. I enjoyed it a lot.

Monday we big kids went to Knott's Berry Farm. We got there and went for it. We jumped on the closest ride and never stopped! Nathan Alexis and Gabe went on a couple rides a few times. The lines were way short since it was a Monday we sure lucked out! While there we spotted a celebrity! Steven Moyer from True Blood!! I was so excited sine I just became a True Blood fan!
Nathan got his autograph for me=)
We stayed at Knott’s till around 8 we had rode every ride got soaking wet had a blast and we were ready to go!
Tuesday was our last day so we drove to the beach and played din the water at Newport Beach had some lunch and the Crab Cooker. It was delicious! Yummy clam chowder, crab claws and bread! After lunch we drove up to Laguna Beach and enjoyed the scenery. It was a beautiful beach I can see why people pay so much to live there! The water is warm the sand is beautiful light brown. The waves break right on the shore it is so pretty!! We hung around the beach so long we didn't have to wait long for our flight it was really perfect timing! All in all it was an amazing trip! I think we all had a great time!

Next up was my Birthday. I didn't do too much. Nathans mom made me a delicious banana cake. We all went to On the Border for dinner (Yummy) I went out with some friends for drinks on the Friday after my birthday. I had a good birthday.

A big milestone recently was Jacob starting to walk. He is going full force and doesn't crawl at all!! He pretty much runs all over. He was only nine months old wehn he started walking!! I am in shock! He is my last baby so I was hoping he would stay that way for a little longer. No such luck! He is so bog and strong and moving right along. He even says a few words like mamama dadada bababa and today started saying ouchhh. Lol he was coping Madison after he was banging on her leg. He has five teeth already loves to eat whatever food you give him and he makes such cute faces!! He is such a joy to have around I am truly in love with him!! I couldn't have asked for a better baby!

Then School started. Alexis started HIGH SCHOOL! I am officially old! I cannot believe this day came so fast! High school geez time flies! It feels like I was just in High School. She is loving it and doing ok so far. I am hoping she will take this year more serious and do better. I have set up some good incentives for her to get good grades.

Brandon started middle school this year. He is loving it and doing really good. My babies are getting so big and growing up way to fast! I wish I could go back to when they were in diapers and drinking bottles! Lucky for me I still have some drinking bottles and in diapers. =)

Trinity is getting bigger and growing up so much she still has the cutest little baby accent. She gets words mixed up but in a cute way. I love this stage when they try to make since of what they are thinking and put it into words. She is defiantly an outdoor girl she loves all our animals and loves getting dirty. She gets herself fully dressed every morning and has no problems doing it. She is learning her ABC's how to count to 10 in Spanish and is great at coloring she tries her best to stay in the lines and she loves drawing circles. I am going to be putting her in gymnastics soon. She loves to do head stands and cartwheels.

Madison is such a big girl she sure has grown up a lot this last year. She speaks very well; pretty much she is like an adult! It is crazy! She figures things out 0n her own and is really clever. She has good come backs to her daddy’s antics when picking on her. She loves everything girly, she will notice if you got your hair cut bought a new pair of shoes or have pretty nail polish on. She loves it when Alexis brings friends over. She makes them her new best friends and follows them around everywhere. Her favorite thing to do at the moment is watching Beauty and the Beast. Bell is her favorite and we just got the movie last week.

All is well in our family we are enjoying every moment with each of our children. Some days I just take a step back and think wow what a life I have. Never did I think I would be so blessed with so many wonderful people in my life that I love to care for and help grow. It is a job to be a Mom and wife but for me it is the best job in the world. I could not ask for more.

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