I was so excited to meet Ree! I have been reading her blog for about three years now and I feel like she is my friend. So to meet her was going to be weird yet awesome! I know so much about her about her kids her ranch her cooking I mean pretty much all there is to know about a friend! But I was able to ask her a question it was a little bit of a joke but I couldn't resist! I asked when she was going to have another baby (while holding my cute 5 month old man) she of course had a funny response about spanks and all us rude ladies bringing our cute babies. Hehe
I am sad to say that I was number 270 out of 300 tickets and by 8pm they were only at number 100! So Patti and I decided it would be way to late by the time we got to meet her so we left sniff sniff.. We live in Vancouver, WA about a 30 minute drive from the book signing and I had four kids and a hubby at home waiting for me. If I would have gone all alone with out the baby I think I would have stayed till midnight! It was a school night and so I headed home.
I was happy to have seen her and ask her a question. She is even more beautiful and funny in person! She even sang for us! I hope someday to win a trip to her ranch and really get to know her. For now I am happy to haven been able to go out and support her and show her that the NW loves her!!
I ♥ The Pioneer Woman!
P.S. I hope you tried some sushi while you were here! Seattle and Portland has good fresh seafood!
She just realized there was no Micraphone!
I am sad to say that I was number 270 out of 300 tickets and by 8pm they were only at number 100! So Patti and I decided it would be way to late by the time we got to meet her so we left sniff sniff.. We live in Vancouver, WA about a 30 minute drive from the book signing and I had four kids and a hubby at home waiting for me. If I would have gone all alone with out the baby I think I would have stayed till midnight! It was a school night and so I headed home.
I was happy to have seen her and ask her a question. She is even more beautiful and funny in person! She even sang for us! I hope someday to win a trip to her ranch and really get to know her. For now I am happy to haven been able to go out and support her and show her that the NW loves her!!
I ♥ The Pioneer Woman!
P.S. I hope you tried some sushi while you were here! Seattle and Portland has good fresh seafood!
She just realized there was no Micraphone!

Wasn't it fun to see PW in person!! She is such fun. And she did oooh and aaah over Jacob!
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