Me and my photography have been out of commission for about a month due to my laptop aka my photography life went down the crapper! My laptop motherboard died, it would have been over $900 to fix it! So I got almost everything that was important to me off my hard drive. I lost Photoshop along with the actions, brushes, and presets! About 100 hours of download time and about $500 worth of product. I also lost Lightroom and Photofusion. I was devastated! After a few trips to Best Buy and some crying I am happy to say that things are up and running again. I got a new laptop reinstalled all my programs and some of the presets I didn't loose. I am putting the pieces back together wiping the tears and moving on. What I did learn from all of this is to back up everything that is important to you, if it can bring your job to a halt then back it up!!! If it would cause you to cry if you lost it back it up!!
So now I am all backed up! Wahoo.
Even tho I had no where to download and edit pictures I still took them! All of my SD cards are full all four of then two 8GB and 2GB! I have a lot to edit and a lot to share. I will save that for another time. For now here is a picture I took about two weeks ago when the plum tree in our front yard bloomed, it smelled so wonderful and it was the first hint of spring. The girls rode their new scooters and I took about 100 pictures of
So enjoy this and I will back with a big old update once I get it all put together give me a couple days!! =)

Love this picture!
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