I have been wanting to make the girls some tutus. I found an easy way to do it so I figured today I would go get fabric and try it out. My mother in law and I have been wanting to get together to do this so we decided to meet at Wal-Mart and get everything we needed. I got 4 yards of fabric in four colors. I am going to make four all together. The first one I made was green and pink. I am going to make pink and yellow, purple and green and purple and yellow. So far all I did was pink and green. After I was done making the tutu we did a little photo shoot. Here is a bunch of pictures. I know it is a lot but I couldn't resist. Madion just looks so cute!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
TuTu fun..
Posted by Cynthia at 10:29 PM 2 comments
Melting Pot = Big money!
Now that all the Birthday excitement has died down I can take a deep breath and tell you all about it.
Tuesday day was interesting. I spent the day shopping with Whitney & my Mom, she got me a bunch of cute clothes from Torrid. I felt so spoiled! We took Madison, Trinity and Jaden to the mall so we knew it would be a pretty quick shopping trip. Trinity usually goes down for a nap by noon and we didn't get there till about that time. It was fun for about an hour , then her crazy streak came out. We got lunch at the food court first, I am thinking that only made her more tired. She had a full belly and knew she wanted to go to sleep. I never usually take Trinity any where during her nap time for a reason, she is a screamer and she liks to scream..she screams when she is happy, sad, mad, tired, pretty much that is all this girl did the entire time we were at the mall! Lol Oh I love her.
So it was in and out of the mall pretty fast!
I came home laid the girls down and took a little breather on the couch, well it lasted for about 30 minutes! For some reason they both thought it was not nap time! I mean one did have a dirty diaper, so that was understandable. That got taken care of and I laid her back down(Trinity). Then Madison got up, like 15 times. I really think she is growing out of naps! I tired everything, and nothing worked so I just told my self she was up. Then about 20 minutes later Trinity got back up. Not what I was planing for a birthday! But what do you do I am a Momma before anything else. So I put on a movie and we all snuggled and watched Jungle Book 2. Before I knew it Madison was out! So I laid her in her bed and finished watching the movie with Trin
Kelli came over at 4 to get ready with me, she was a big help with Trinity. I got all cute put on some new clothes and felt ready to celebrate! Everyone got here on time and we headed to the Melting pot.
Let the fun begin!!! We got to the melting pot at 7 got a table and took a look at the Menu.... wow $44 a person. Drinks were like 10 bucks each! Now this is fine pricing for me I am celebrating my last birthday in my twenties(yikes) so I was fine with whatever! But some of my friends were like OMG!!! We decided to stay and give it a try only my brother had been here before so
we all were excited about the new experience. It started out with the cheese Fondue, we got spinach and artichoke, and the tropical. The Tropical was different but good. They give you all sorts of stuff to dip in the cheese, bread, chips, veggies, apples. It was really good. Then you get your salad. I got caesar, most everyone else got the tropical. I didn't like it at all. Nathan got it
and like it a lot. Then it was on to the main course, we got a mixture of meat, lobster, steak, jerk pork, shrimp etc..... You cook everything in from of you on these little stove things. It was really interesting. I have never done anything like it. Then the next course was dessert. We got to pick two different ones. We got the traditional chocolate and peanut butter then we got a white chocolate with peanut butter with grand marnier. He lit it on fire and dribbled
it in the pot! So cool! Well with our bellies full we headed back to my house. I had some people waiting for me there and thought we would all hang out and make yummy drinks. LOl well half way home I was thinking I just really wanted to go to bed. I was sooo full had some drinks in me and was ready to hit the pillow. Yeah that didn't happen! I got home and everyone wanted to party it up. So I didn't go to bed till about 2am!
My wonderful husband got me a Spa package! I am going to use that today. =) Alexis is coming with, she is getting a manicure too. I picked her up from Grandma Hilton last night. It was so good to see her. How I have missed that lady. She is amazing.
All in all it was a great birthday! Here are some pictures. xoxoxo
Posted by Cynthia at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Happy Birthday to me!
I am 29 today! Wow I have had a crazy, fun, amazing life so far. I just hope it keeps getting better!
This weekend we went camping for my birthday, it was a blast! We got to stay two nights. It was so relaxing. We went with some friends and family.
Last night I went to a Moroccan Restaurant with my Dad, Nathan, Whitney, and Rob. It is one of our favorite places and my Dad and Rob had never gone. It was great fun!
Today I did some shopping with my Mom and got some new clothes, it is the best present you can ever give me so so I was happy!
Tonight we are off to the Melting Pot. I have never been, so I am super excited! I will post pictures of that tomorrow. Until then here are some pics from the camping trip and dinner last night.
Thanks to everyone who has wished me a Happy Birthday! I love you all!
Posted by Cynthia at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
My long awaited come back!!!!

Camping was great!
Posted by Cynthia at 8:42 PM 1 comments
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