Well Here it goes.. I have not posted an update since November.. a lot has happened so this is going to take a while. It is now 12:06.. lets see how long this takes me. Maddy and Trinity are asleep so I hope they stay that way till this is done.
November was an exciting month for us. Tracie and Ricky arrived in WA on the 15th (I think). We knew for a long time they were coming so it seemed like November would never come but it did.
They arrived with a belly full of baby. Tracie had the glow. She was excited for her little one to come but anxious to get every thing in order. The first couple days was all business for them getting a Doctor getting Medical coverage and what not. They got all that taken care of, had there first Doc appointment and got an Ultrasound. They were glad to find out it was still a girl=)
They also got to meet Trinity for the first time and they loved her instantly. Ricky and Trinity hit it off they just loved each other!
After getting settled in for a couple weeks we enjoyed Thanksgiving together. It was the Fist time in Two years we had all been around the table together. What a blessing it was.
December proved to be just as exciting if not even more. First we had Madison's Second Birthday party. It was Cinderella, since she has an obsession with her at the moment. It was fun She was so excited to blow out candles and open presents! She got a lot of great stuff... Too bad Christmas is around the corner for her and she will get more stuff. I am thinking about having a party for her in the summer as she gets a little older so she don't have her Birthday and Christmas all in the same month.
Next came getting a Christmas Tree... We went to Thortons Tree Farm. It was a beautiful day out. The sky was clear the sun was shining and it was cold. We had a great time. After the guys cut down the trees, we went and checked out all the Animals. Madison could not ask f
or any thing better. She was having a ball. She loved feeding the Donkey, and sheep. She was laughing and just thought it was the best thing ever. Alexis and Brandon like it but are getting older now and just wanted to mov
e on to the Hot chocolate.. I think Tracie and Ricky were having fun but not enjoying the cold weather. It is Summer in Cuzco right now, and it never gets this cold there. They were troopers but enjoyed getting hot chocolate to warm up as much as the ki
d's did. Next came decorating the tree. It went pretty fast and the kids helped a little. I just love to see the kids face when I bring down 10 boxes of ornaments and say ok so who is going to help..lol They were great but I did most the work,which is fine cuz I am very particular about how I want things.. That is something I try to work on. =)
After The fun times that the Christmas tree brought we had a couple weeks of down time before the big day! Christmas! It took much time to prepare and only minutes to get threw, but it is worth every second. I enjoyed this Chris
tmas so much! I had all the people around me that I cared about the most. Whitney flew in from Ohio for a few days, Tracie and Ricky were here. It was great. We ate a lot, we laughed a lot, a couple kids cried but all in all it was the one of the Best Christmas' I have ever had.
Ok so it is now 12:48... and you people wonder why I don't update this very often!
So the next great event was New Years eve. It was a night to remember the past year and a chance to celebrate the one to come. I think it was a great night for Tracie and Ricky too. They knew any day now they could be having a baby. We had a fun night of playing games, I made some yummy snacks.. so it was waiting for what seemed like for ever.. for the ball to Drop and the clock to strike 12! It came and it went with a bang.. fire works, cheering, and a ton of HAPPY NEW
Well I think what comes next is what we were all waiting for, the arrival of Precious Isabella, she came in to the world on January 10, 2008 at 1:10 am. She weighed 6lbs. 14oz. She took awhile to get here but Tracie got it done! She was so strong and didn't even complain! It was so amazing to be there when she was born. I am so greatful to Tracie for letting me be there and experience that with her. I think it brought us closer and we will forever share that bond. I do not have any sisters, she is the closes I will ever come to having one, and I couldn't ask for any thing better. She is so kind and so loving. She has a big heart and a knowledgeable mind. She loves Christ so much. I look up to her and respect her so much. I enjoyed the time we had together and miss her greatly. I look froward to having many more memories and getting to know her even more.
On January 27th we had Tracie's Baby shower. It was a great turn out. She got a lot of nice things. Diane and I threw the shower for her. I was so happy to be able to be a part of it all. Thanks to all who came to support Tracie and shower her and Isabella with love and gifts.
Isabella being born was bitter sweet. We all knew after she was born Tracie and Ricky would be leaving soon. Once they got Isabella's Passport and social security card they would be leaving for Chili. =( That sad day arrived not a moment too soon. They left on Janurary 29th. As much as we understand why they live so far away it still is sad when they go. We miss them and wait everyday for new Pictures and updates on little Isabella. She is about seven weeks old now.
Well this is not all of the story up to this point since it is almost the end of February, but I have to sign off. Maddy is awake and there is no being on the computer and concentrating when she is awake=) it is now 1:23pm so wow that took a long time but I hope you enjoy=) I will try to be back soon to finish the update.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Ok I am going to do this!!
Posted by Cynthia at 12:05 PM
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I enjoyed reading your blog. That's cool that you get to experience having a sister in Tracie. And also she doesn't have any sisters, so I'm sure she appreciate's having you!
That was a good update Cyn. I'm glad things are going well for you guys up there.
Keep the updates coming, I want to know how the fam is doing (since I rarely talk to anyone anymore....yeah yeah yeah, I know I know)
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